Wednesday, November 26, 2003
I feel like a computer that has had too many programs going on at once and so finally crashed. Today. Woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and worked from home so as not to become a vector of infection for my colleagues. I was worried that the folks at Din Tai Fung might not let me pass through their shiny sterilized doorway to get some chicken soup for lunch, but thankfully they weren't taking temperatures.
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
After all the hustle and bustle of the past three weeks, I spent a very chill weekend, starting off with my first tai chi class ever on Friday evening, spending quality time catching up with Angela while playing with the babies at the nursery on Saturday, and hanging out with friends on Sunday. I also finally saw Shrek and Kissing Jessica Stein at home Saturday night. Kissing Jessica Stein may become one of my favorite movies: its funny and charming, and I identify with Jessica�s desire to meet someone who is both funny and articulate.
Monday, November 17, 2003
If a photo is worth a thousand words, here are five thousand plus words for your perusal:
Proof that I went much as I enjoyed it, this is definitely an activity that requires a recovery period.
Inspiration for all those Chinese paintings.
At our base camp, Jiu Jiu Lodge.
Da Ba Peak to the left and Xiao Ba Peak to the right as we approached early in the morning.
The hills unfolded beneath us as we hiked back out.

Proof that I went much as I enjoyed it, this is definitely an activity that requires a recovery period.

Inspiration for all those Chinese paintings.

At our base camp, Jiu Jiu Lodge.

Da Ba Peak to the left and Xiao Ba Peak to the right as we approached early in the morning.

The hills unfolded beneath us as we hiked back out.
Friday, November 14, 2003
I tell ya, there is NOTHING like going to bed at 10:30pm at night and getting a full eight hours of sleep! It makes such a difference in one's outlook at 6:30 in the morning! Today was all happiness and light on my way to work -- I'm a convert!
Funny sight on my way back to the office after a lunchtime swim -- a guy who appeared to be plucking his eyebrows while astride his scooter (thankfully, he wasn't operating the scooter and he was using his rearview mirror).
Funny sight on my way back to the office after a lunchtime swim -- a guy who appeared to be plucking his eyebrows while astride his scooter (thankfully, he wasn't operating the scooter and he was using his rearview mirror).
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
I'm tired and in much (admittedly minor) distress. I'm definitely a night person. I was at the office until quite late yesterday finishing up a project and felt much better between 7:30-9:30pm than I did slogging through normal business hours. Once again, I'm quite sluggish this morning.
Of course, I still haven't unpacked from the past weekend's hiking trip and there are many little errands to be run at home. On top of that, today is our office's grand opening reception and I can't comfortably fit into my suit pants anymore. So I'm wearing my dress, which is just a twinge too tight at the top. And my calves and quads are still incredibly tight from the hike. I think I need a swim, a nap, and to shrink about a dress size, preferably by this evening...ha.
Of course, I still haven't unpacked from the past weekend's hiking trip and there are many little errands to be run at home. On top of that, today is our office's grand opening reception and I can't comfortably fit into my suit pants anymore. So I'm wearing my dress, which is just a twinge too tight at the top. And my calves and quads are still incredibly tight from the hike. I think I need a swim, a nap, and to shrink about a dress size, preferably by this evening...ha.
Monday, November 10, 2003
Hike to Da Ba Jian mountain: 24 total kilometers, 13 hours of hiking, seemingly never-ending steep grades, blessedly flat streches (alas, too short), vistas of rolling mountains, cornflower blue skies, velvety greenery, stark rock, sunrise as I hike along a ridge, painfully steep descents, I'd better have a butt like J. Lo's when I'm finished with this.
Friday, November 07, 2003
Okay, I'm not doing a very good job at following my own advice. I was planning on having a quiet night at home last Friday. But then Basil called about a small going-away after a (free) massage at my gym, I dashed home to change, met up with Eric (who's in town for two months on a consulting project) and his two co-workers at Shintori, and then met up with Basil and Chris at Carnegie's. A Long Island iced tea later, I was home at 2:30am...and was up by 7:30 to re-hydrate myself and get ready for a full day of paint-balling out in Tamshui. This was my first time going paint-balling, and I think I'll do it again...after I recover from my bruises. Came home from paint-balling and quickly showered and headed out to meet Jonathan to see "Kill Bill." I actually quite liked the film--the gurgling sounds of flowing bodily fluids aside--especially the visuals (the final scene between Lucy Liu's O-ren Ishii and Uma Thurman's "the bride" characters) and the soundtrack. Anyways, after "Kill Bill," I finally got to see the renowned 70s Airport Love Palace via a Halloween party the residents were hosting.
Sunday was a quiet day of sleep and recovery. Monday night I really exerted myself at the climbing gym (and now have injured my left shoulder muscle, sigh), Tuesday night I went with my co-worker Walsh to check out the Taiwan Society of Investment Professionals happy hour (I plan on taking the CFA exam next spring), Wednesday night I was up till 1:30am discussing with Christine and Joann ORIENTED, Inc's structure, and last night I caught up with Doug over dinner and got a foot massage along with Christine and Rose at the night market while waiting for James to re-connect with his mobile phone so that I could go over and borrow a sleeping bag and mat for this weekend's hiking trip to Da Ba Jian mountain. So, not much rest this week, but the adventures continue...
Sunday was a quiet day of sleep and recovery. Monday night I really exerted myself at the climbing gym (and now have injured my left shoulder muscle, sigh), Tuesday night I went with my co-worker Walsh to check out the Taiwan Society of Investment Professionals happy hour (I plan on taking the CFA exam next spring), Wednesday night I was up till 1:30am discussing with Christine and Joann ORIENTED, Inc's structure, and last night I caught up with Doug over dinner and got a foot massage along with Christine and Rose at the night market while waiting for James to re-connect with his mobile phone so that I could go over and borrow a sleeping bag and mat for this weekend's hiking trip to Da Ba Jian mountain. So, not much rest this week, but the adventures continue...
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